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'Slavica' у Филономуса (1587): церковнославянские псалмы в чешской языковой среде

Ondřej Koupil, Dmitrij Timofejev

Seiten 283 - 316

'Slavica' in Philonomus (1587): Church Slavonic Psalms in the Czech Linguistic Context

The study deals with the Slavonic elements (Slavica) contained in Matouš Benešovský-Philonomus’s book of etymologies 'Knížka slov českých, vyložených, odkud svůj počátek mají', published in Prague in 1587. The focus lies on Benešovský’s edition of the Church Slavonic psalms using Latin letters and contemporary Czech orthography. The results show that this edition was based on the Ostrog Bible, the original text of which has undergone partial bohemization caused by the author’s attempt to confirm the close relations between Slavic languages and 16th-century Czech. Both the rules used for this transcription and the mistakes it contains provide interesting material for the study of this process.


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